The (Scary) Power of Online Advertising

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The (Scary) Power of Online Advertising

Google, Facebook, and other giants in the online advertising world are working to make the web much easier. They make software that will intuitively help you find exactly what you want. They perfected these tools to help target the right people for advertisements. They do this to help companies that advertise with them get more qualified leads, and also to help themselves make more money off of ad spend, although if you want to use physical advertising you can also check building wraps which are great for different types of advertising.

Google and Facebook actively tracks information that you enter in to their apps, as well as what you enter into other apps. For example, have you ever talked about a product or service to your friend on text message or Facebook Messenger, and it ended up showing up as an advertisement on YouTube or Facebook? This is very common, because it LISTENS to what you type or say.

This is great news to advertisers and companies because your ads are more effective because of their algorithms. You will reach more people interested in your products and services.